Clamp Collars series CC

for all collimators with flange, different sizes

Clamp collars can be used to mount all collimators with flange to either another setup or to a customer-specific counterpart. Several sizes are available
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32
Clamp collar CC-32


Clamp Collar for fiber collimators series 60FC-L with diameter Ø 25/28 mm
and focal length f' 20 - 60 mm.
Suitable for integration into the multicube system
Clamp Collar for fiber collimators series 60FC-L with diameter Ø 25/28 mm
and focal length f' 20 - 60 mm.
Suitable for the mounting plate 68MC-AP-25-30/60
Clamp Collar for fiber collimators series 60FC-L/T/Q with diameter Ø 32/34.5 mm
and focal length f' 40 - 100 mm.
Clamp Collar for fiber collimators series 60FC-L/T/Q with diameter Ø 32/34.5 mm
and focal length f' 40 - 100 mm.
Suitable for integration into the multicube system
Clamp Collar for fiber collimators series 60FC-L/T/Q with diameter Ø 45/49 mm
and focal length f' 125 mm.
Clamp Collar for fiber collimators series 60FC-L/T/Q with diameter Ø 55/59 mm
and focal length f' 100 mm - 200 mm.

Order Options

Order COdeSeriesFor Diamter Focal LengthMounting Plate
CC-25-460FC-L25/28 mmAND20 mm - 60 mm 48MC-MP-25
CC-3260FC-L/T/Q32/34.5 mmAND40 mm - 100 mm -
CC-32-MC60FC-L/T/Q32/34.5 mmAND40 mm - 100 mm 48MC-MP-32
CC-4560FC-L/T/Q 45/49 mmAND125 mm68MC-MP-45
CC-5560FC-L/T/Q55/59 mmAND100 mm - 200 mm68MC-MP-55