Start // Laser for Machine Vision // Llg // Laser Micro Line Generator with a fan angle by Schäfter + Kirchhoff - 13LR12-S000+55CM-639-21-H18-T12-C-6


Laser Micro Line Generator with a fan angle

Micro Line Generator for small laser line widths and high power density in the focal planeMicro


Laser line with a fan angle and approx. uniform intensity distribution.
  • Line length: 409 mm
  • Line width: 573 µm
  • Wavelength: 639 nm
  • Working distance: 2000 mm


The laser diode beam source type 13LR12-S000+55CM-639-21-H18-T12-C-6 has a fan angle of 12° with a constant line width and approx. uniform intensity distribution along the laser line.

The fine-structure is a chain of equidistant dots with a spacing of approx. the line width. The line width is constant along the laser line. Across the laser line the intensity distribution is Gaussian.

The laser has integrated electronics type C for control of the laser output power. The output power can be controlled using the modulation input ports (TTL and analog) or manually using the potentiometer.

The working distance can be adjusted by adjusting the focus setting. Please note that beam parameters like line length and line width increase proportionally to the working distance.

A fine-adjustment of the distance between laser and target is recommended for fine-focusing.

Technical data


Order Code
Line profile
Constant Intensity Distribution
Line type
Laser Micro Line
639 +10/-10 nm
Laser output power
21 mW
Laser safety class
Fan angle α
12 deg
Focussing range
1300-inf mm
Working distance
2000 mm
Line length
409 mm
Line width
0.573 mm
Rayleigh range
807 mm
Edge intensity
80 %
Diameter laser module
25/28 mm
Module length
75.9 mm
Installation length
2105.9 mm
Cable length
1.5 m
Connector type
Lumberg SV50 IEC 61076-2-106
Supply voltage
5 ± 0.2 V
Max. current consumption
0.25 A
Working temperature
0 - 40 °C
Modulation inputs
Input resistance
22 kOhm
22 kOhm
Max. modulation frequency
100 kHz
100 kHz
Modulation delay ON/OFF
1/0.5 µs
2/1 µs
Rise / Fall time
3/2 µs
3/2 µs
Dimensions (for a complete dimensional drawing please refer to the downloads section)


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Hex key WS 1.5
Screwdriver WS 1.2
Mounting Console with flat base plate
Mounting Console with base plate with dovetail profile
Power Supply 5 V